marketing Courses

We found 8 courses available for you

Community Manager

5.8 hours
Tous niveaux

Le poste de social media manager ou Community Manager est …

What you'll learn
Cette formation vous permettra d'appréhender l'univers des social media et de devenir un expert en community management !

Marketing et Communication

4 Lessons
14 hours
Tous niveaux

FORMATION ELIGIBLE AU CPF L’accompagnement individuel chez LiveMentor, c’est d’abord …

What you'll learn
une équipe de mentors spécialisés
- une plateforme de cours en ligne sans cesse améliorée pour s’adapter aux besoins des élèves
- des sessions d'accompagnement personnalisées pendant les 3 mois de formation intensive

Facebook Ads

5 Lessons
7 hours

Du choix de l’objectif publicitaire, définition des critères de ciblage, …

What you'll learn
Les réseaux sociaux constituent des plateformes particulièrement puissantes pour développer la notoriété de votre marque, générer du trafic vers votre site Internet, entretenir la relation avec les clients et susciter de nouvelles ventes.
Facebook & Instagram sont les médias sociaux les plus utilisés – et de loin – par les marques, et ce pour de bonnes raisons.
Si vous n’avez pas encore mis en place des campagnes publicitaires sur Facebook, il est très important d’y songer dès à présent pour votre marque.

Growth Hacking, Business Development: Marketing Fundamentals

6.2 hours
Tous niveaux

This course includes straight forward techniques and marketing tips to …

What you'll learn
You will know where to go.
You won’t be lost anymore.
You will clearly know where to go and how to get there.
You will feel more confident as an entrepreneur.
You will gain knowledge and see differently.

Mastering the selling process

6 hours
Tous niveaux

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What you'll learn
Create several sales necessary tools that are essential to becoming a high-performer in sales. These tools are based around the foundation of knowledge, skill and discipline.
Each tool makes up the Sales Toolkit, which is a living document to guide you through each and every step of the sales process.

Analytic Techniques for Business Specialization

2.5 hours

In this Specialization, you’ll learn to frame business challenges as …

What you'll learn
Helps to predict performance
Increased the retention rates
Boost in cost efficiency

Applying Data Analytics in Marketing

8.5 hours

This course introduces students to the science of business analytics …

What you'll learn
Get the foundation needed to apply data analytics to real-world challenges they confront daily in their professional lives.
Identify the ideal analytic tool for their specific needs
Understand valid and reliable ways to collect, analyze, and visualize data
Utilize data in decision making for their agencies, organizations or clients.

Survey analysis to Gain Marketing Insights

18.8 hours
Tous niveaux

How do consumers see your brand relative to your competitors? …

What you'll learn
From one-off customer satisfaction surveys to brand tracking surveys that are administering on a continuous basis, they provide the information that marketers need to understand how their products, services and brands are seen by consumers.
In Analytic Methods for Survey Data, statistical learners will become familiar with established methods for converting survey responses to insights that can support marketing decisions.
Techniques discussed include factor analytics, cluster analysis, discriminant analysis and multi-dimensional scaling.